SFPE SD Social Update



On February 9th Sooby Bhattacharjee, Ph.D and Fletcher J. Miller, Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at San Diego State University presented to the SFPE San Diego Chapter meeting.  The topic was “Fire in Space: How Gravity Affects Flames.”  The chapter had its largest attendance this year!  Look for an announcement regarding a visit to their research facility this summer!




The Society of Fire Protection Engineers were represented by Ariel Nunez, Will Fletcher, and Blake Johnson at the National Engineers Week Awards Banquet on February 24, 2017. Engineers Week San Diego activities help celebrate and raise public awareness of the contributions engineers make to build a better world in which to live and play. The San Diego County Engineering Council (SDCEC) works in conjunction with the local engineering societies to coordinate activities and lead the Engineers Week San Diego. This year’s theme was “Dream Big”.  The banquet included awards for Outstanding Engineer, Outstanding Engineering Educator, Outstanding Engineering Service, Dr. Thomas Avolt Kanneman, and the Outstanding Engineering Project.  The banquet concluded with a keynote presentation “Engineering for Humanity” by Brandon Reynante.   A preview of the IMAX movie “Dream Big: Engineering Our World” was shown.  The movie opens to the public on March 10, 2017 at the Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park. This film shows firsthand how engineering makes a difference in this world and improves people’s lives.