National Engineers Week

David Phillips, Derek Duval, and Will Fletcher represented the SFPE San Diego Chapter at the 2016 National Engineers Week (NEW) Annual Awards Banquet.  The banquet was held on Friday February 26 at the San Diego Air & Space Museum in Balboa Park.

The banquet included awards for Outstanding Engineer, Outstanding Engineering Educator, Outstanding Engineering Project(s), Dr. Thomas Avolt Kanneman, Outstanding Engineering Service Award, and Co-sponsored Projects Awards.


The banquet also included a keynote speaker Dr. Richard Hallion “Technological Invention and Innovation: A Selective Review” and networking opportunities with other professional societies in San Diego.

The National Engineers Week Foundation is a formal coalition of more than 100 professional societies, major corporations and government agencies dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce.  The purpose of NEW is to call attention to the contributions to society that engineers make. It is also a time for engineers to emphasize the importance of learning math, science, and technical skills.

For more information check out their website: